The 23RD WCD will be one of the largest and most important international scientific congresses for Dermatology taking place in North America. Keynote presentations, thought-provoking panel discussions and workshops will provide the focal points for translating knowledge into actions and services that physicians can provide to their patients. Each day of the Congress will feature a program of keynote speakers, plenary panel discussions, parallel science sessions, as well as dedicated poster sessions. The Congress-wide plenaries will explore important themes related to a variety of topics. Other sessions will provide the opportunity to present and discuss the application of research findings, policy implications and how to take dermatology knowledge to action.
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Invited Distinguished and Keynote Plenaries:
In-depth presentations by world-class clinicians and/or investigators on foundational aspects of dermatology.
Comprehensive and broad overview of a dermatologic topic aimed at bringing participants up to date on the current state-of-the-art including relevant basic science, diagnosis, and management.
In-depth interactive sessions on specific disorders and techniques with an emphasis on practical knowledge and outcomes.
Didactic sessions aimed at participants who wish to gain new knowledge in a field where they may not already be familiar. Basic aspects of the topic are covered in addition key current breakthroughs and advances.
Debate-style presentations on challenging issues in dermatology.
Free Communications:
Brief proffered presentations (oral or poster) on focused studies, investigations, or observations in dermatology.